Green Mountain Horizon Blend By Kevin Costner

$17.99 $19.99
24 Count Box
Price Per Item: $0.75

Fix your eyes on the horizon as you take in every sip, courtesy of Kevin Costner. This coffee embodies the bold and boundless spirit of the American west. A dark roast as smooth as it is strong, alive with earthy, smokey flavors that lend true distinction to every cup— just like a certain someone brings true distinction to every role. This unique collaboration with an American icon is a symbol of mutual passion and a celebration of shared commitment to enriching the environment, caring for its people, and giving back to our communities. Every Green Mountain Coffee Roasters® K-Cup® pod reflects our commitment to source responsibly and is filled with freshly ground coffee beans and brews a deliciously great-tasting cup of coffee—every time. These K-Cup® pods are compatible with all Keurig® single serve coffee makers. Simple. Delicious. And recyclable.* 
Shipping and Returns

It's simple If you try it and you don't like it, SEND IT BACK! Yup that's right, box it up with a copy of the invoice and a note of what you would like to exchange it for and we will replace it even after you opened it and tried a cup or 2. We stand behind the products we sell and most of all we stand up for each and every one of our AWESOME customers. Enjoy!