Many people love iced tea for its refreshing taste and cool finish. Regardless of the time of year, drinking an iced tea will surely satisfy you, especially when steeped to your liking. However, making iced tea at home can be confusing if you don’t know where to start. Fortunately, you’ve already completed the first step if you have a Keurig coffee maker. We’ll discuss effective ways to make the perfect iced tea using a Keurig and some important tips to keep in mind.

Start With the Right Tea

The key to making great iced tea is choosing the right blend. Not all Keurig tea pods are suitable for making iced tea. Since the ice can dilute the tea as it melts, pick a potent mix, like black tea pods. If you prefer a different type, make sure it's strong so it doesn’t lose flavor after adding ice. Keurig also manufactures specialized brew-over-ice K-cups with a higher concentration of tea. Making tea with these pods guarantees you’ll have a rich tea every time!

Choose the Right Cup Size

When using your Keurig, you should select the correct cup size. Finding the right balance of tea and water is the key to creating a flavorful drink! The last thing you want to do is accidentally add too much water and have to drink tasteless tea. You can typically find the ideal cup size for iced tea on the bottom of the K-cup box.

Use Filtered Water

The quality of the water you pour into your Keurig will affect the taste of your tea, so use filtered or bottled water. This ensures that the chlorine and mineral deposits common in tap water won't interfere with your chilled beverage.

Brew It Strong

Another way to make the perfect iced tea using a Keurig is to select the “Strong” brewing setting. Because the tea will dilute as the ice in your glass melts, you want your freshly brewed tea to be strong. Modern Keurig machines have a setting for strong brews that uses less water for a concentrated blend.

Serve in a Tumbler or Mason Jar

Drink your tea in a tumbler or mason jar for the best experience. These cups will keep your iced tea chilly and refreshing for a while. You can add more ice cubes and serve it with slices of lemons, limes, or mint for more flavor.

Making the perfect iced tea using a Keurig is easy, and you can do it in minutes! All you need is the right tea. 11th Street Coffee offers Keurig brew-over-ice pods so you can craft your ideal iced tea every day! Shop with us today for deals you can’t find anywhere else.

October 23, 2023 — DigitlHaus Agency