What you put into your body is key when you’re trying to better manage your health. While we all know that eating more fruits and vegetables is a solid goal; however, you should also prioritize including important nutrients in your beverage choices. Antioxidants are a crucial component to living a healthier life and your favorite morning brew could have just enough of it to get you by. Here, we’ll break down whether coffee or tea has more antioxidants to help you make a more informed decision between them.

What Are Antioxidants?

We must understand the main stars of this show before we unpack the intricacies of your morning pick-me-up: Antioxidants. Over time, individual molecules deteriorate and become volatile to the cells around them. These free radicals can damage other cells, leading to more severe damage in core parts of the body. Antioxidants are compounds that safeguard our cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, which can play a role in aging and the onset of several diseases. Found in various fruits, vegetables, and beverages, antioxidants are pivotal for maintaining overall health.

The Antioxidants in Coffee

Coffee is a leading source of caffeine, and many use it for its ability to wake them up in the morning. However, coffee is also rich in antioxidants like chlorogenic acids and melanoidins, which pack a powerful punch against free radicals. However, the amount of this substance in your cup of coffee ultimately depends on the type of coffee beans you use. Arabica beans traditionally have more antioxidants than Robusta beans, and lighter roasts will retain more nutrients than darker roasts.

The Antioxidants in Tea

Tea is another beloved option for those who need a morning caffeine kick, and, just like coffee, certain types of teas have their share of antioxidants. Green tea has a reputation for its high concentration of catechins, a type of natural phenol and antioxidant. Black tea also contains larger quantities of antioxidants, so long as you avoid adding too many sweeteners or creamers.

Which Option Is Better?

Still, the question remains: Does coffee or tea have more antioxidants? The answer, unfortunately, isn’t very clear. Tea, specifically green or herbal teas, has a higher number of natural antioxidants. However, depending on how you brew your beverage, the result in your mug could provide about the same quantity as an average light-roast coffee. Therefore, paying attention to how you’re preparing your preferred morning drink is crucial if you want to maximize your antioxidant intake. Don’t brew your tea leaves or coffee grounds too long and avoid unnecessary additives.

The good news is that both beverages offer an array of antioxidants that can complement a healthy lifestyle, whether you’re a committed coffee connoisseur or a tea enthusiast. That’s why 11th Street Coffee offers a diverse collection of each to ensure you find something that suits your habits. You don’t even need to enjoy these drinks hot; we sell several Keurig K-cup iced beverages as well so that you can get your antioxidant intake even during the warmest days of the year.

May 02, 2024 — DigitlHaus Agency